Kalypso Simulation Platform: An Open Source Application

The content below is from the site's 2007-2008 archived pages. We at The Code Factory are huge fans of this product and preserved the site so that our interns could continue to reference some of the material. While original intended for simulation of hydraulic models, our team has repurposed the original code base for more generic usage including wind tunnel emulation and fabric stress emulation. The latter has been applied to some very cool uses including the modeling of screen printing on both woven and knitted fabrics such as the print used on hundreds of styles of Batman T shirts, hoodies & sweatshirts and other apparel. If you own a Batman t shirt, it's very likely that the photographic process used to print the image was made more durable and wash resistant as a result of our repurposed Kalypso code base.

kalypso-Simulation-platform is an open source application for geospatial modeling and simulation. It is primarily developed to be a user friendly tool for GIS-based modeling and simulation of hydrological and hydraulic numerical models. Thanks to a generic approach one can use the platform to handle models of arbitrary nature.

kalypso Enterrise are customized versions of the kalypso-simulation-platform that are deployed for several engineering tasks such as flood forecast systems or decision support for urban planning.

kalypso is a LGL-licensed open source java application. The implementation is based on the Eclipse Rich Client platform (RC)


Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.

Information about the kalypso-Simulation-platform are spread over different web-sites of contributing organisations. Please visit one of the following websites:

News, user-forum, develoer collaboration and source code access (cvs) 
hosted at Institute for River and Coastal Engineering, University of Technology Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Germany

kalypso general informations 
hosted at BCE, Koblenz, Germany

kalypso's Twiki (needs acount) 
hosted at BCE, Koblenz, Germany


172  Kalypso is a modeling and simulation platform for GML-based models. It is primarly developed to be a user friendly tool for the simulation of hydrological and hydraulic numerical models. Thanks to Kalypso's underlying generic approaches of the GML implementation, one can use the platform to handle GML models of arbitrary nature.

Kalypso consists of a Rich Client application which lets the user visualize and edit GML data in a generic way (both GML 2 and 3 versions are supported) and is also a client for several OGC Webservices (WMS, WFS, SOS). On the other hand, Kalypso brings a set of artifacts for a service oriented architecture in order to support gml processing.

Kalypso parses GML application schemas including depending ones such as the GML base schemas itself into a strong feature- and property-typed system by building on top of standard XML techniques such as SAX and Java API for XML-Binding.

Kalypso is LGPL open source and among others it is based on the Eclipse Platform and deegree. Please see http://www.kalypso.wb.tu-harburg.de. Introduction


Kalypso is a modeling and simulation platform for GML-based models. It is primarly developed to be a user friendly tool for the simulation of hydrological and hydraulic numerical models. Thanks to Kalypso's underlying generic approachs of the GML implementation, one can use the platform to handle GML models of arbitrary nature. Kalypso Rich Client Application


Kalypso consists of a Rich Client application which lets the user visualize and edit GML data in a generic way (both GML 2 and 3 versions are supported). Beneath generic GML views and editors such as a map view, table view and tree view, other views can be registered to Kalypso via a plugin-interface for named feature types. This enables Kalypso for example to support GML-based modeling of river profiles (aka cross-sections) via a registered Observation-profile editor for a river-profile feature.

In order to achieve a strong (feature-)type system, Kalypso parses GML application schemas including depending ones such as the GML base schemas itself into a strong feature- and property-typed system by building on top of standard XML techniques such as SAX and Java API for XML-Binding. Kalypso's schema parser supports a wide range of XML features such as complex types, groups, includes, imports and substitution groups. Higher level GML types such as Observations and Measurements are supported as well in a generic way. At the same time, Kalypso is a client for several OGC WebServices? such as WMS and WFS. The development of an SOS client is being undertaken as well. Kalypso-Services


Kalypso brings a set of artifacts for a service oriented architecture. It consists of server applications whith generic support for gml processing. On top of this infrastructure, special numerical models have been implemented. Legacy modeling applications have been integrated into Kalypso's Model Plugin architecture, suppressing the presence of heterogenous GUI front-ends and distributed installations. Further GML based processes are in construction and an adoption of the OGC Web Processing Service interface is under consideration. Kalypso-API


Kalypso is LGPL open source and among others it is based on the Eclipse Platform and deegree. The sources and a developer portal are available at http://www.kalypso.wb.tu-harburg.de. For a benefit of semantic interoperability we want to encourace developers and model designers to use strong typed GML application schemas and applications. As the sources are structured in a modular way, the source code for GML-processing can be used also separetely from the GUI-part. Kalypso is under active development and currently provides user interfaces for several numerical (hydrological and hydraulic) models for various river basins in Germany.

Furthermore three different Decision Support Systems with a strong accent on ecological information management are based on Kalypso's API. FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics Session 7 : Desktop application Gernot Belger [email protected]  Marc Schlienger [email protected]  Andreas von Dö[email protected]  Gernot Belger [email protected]  Marc Schlienger [email protected]  Andreas von Dömming [email protected] 
